ProBIND Installation Guide

ProBIND home page

Document author: Alexei Roudnev
22 Mart 2003

Table of content


This is a step-by-step procedure for getting started with ProBIND. In the examples, I will assume that your Apache document root is in /www/htdocs, and that the stand-alone PHP interpreter is installed as /usr/local/bin/php

0 Backup

Before you do anything to an actual, live DNS server, be sure that you have a usable backup of the configuration and zone files!

1 Prerequisites

Make sure that you have the following software installed (most of which is included in recent distributions of Linux):

The Net::DNS perl module is available from CPAN, or from this URL:

The apache server must have the mysql and PHP modules available.

The only unusual bit about these packages, is that PHP must be installed _both_ as an Apache module, and as a CGI interpreter, i.e. as a stand- alone interpreter. I am not aware of any RPMs of stand-alone PHP4, so you will have to compile and install this yourself:

1.1 Installing stand-alone PHP4

Download the PHP4 sources from Unpack the tarball somewhere, e.g. /home/your/src/php. Change to this directory. Then execute these commands:

./configure --with-mysq
 make install

1.2 Configure PHP


Configure php, for the configuration, verify /usr/local/etc/php.ini,
/usr/local/etc/php.standalone/php.ini files (names depends of your php version),
and set up variables if it is version is 4.2.3 or bigger:


register_globals = On
register_argc_argv = On

Modern php have different php.ini files for the php module and standalone php interpreter, so be sure to configure both module and interpreter.

2 Install the ProBIND software

2.1 Unpack ProBIND system and set up apache server

Unpack the ProBIND tarball somewhere that is reachable by your apache server. Usually, this would be in a directory in the document root for your Apache installation, e.g. /www/htdocs/probind. Create this directory.

I recommend to use '/var/PROBIND/' directory, and create a symbolic link into this directory from your apache home directory. If you plan to use ProBIND for a few different name spaces, create a subdirectory (for example, /var/PROBIND/intdns and /var/PROBIND/extdns), and unpack ProBIND into each of them. Use symlinks, or configure http daemon using <DIRECTORY> operator.

In any case, you must have url pointing to the home directory of ProBIND, one for every of your name spaces, for example:

Or, if you have single name space and no https:

If you created a few different name directories for the different name spaces, move content of 'parent' directory into the parent level of your ProBIND and edit  html files in it:

cp parent/* ..
vi ../menu.html


This directory contains a simple html page, and you can write our your own, if you wish.

I recommend using a separate apache server, running in https mode on separate port, for all administrative functions, and run it as a special user (for example, 'monitor'). It makes configuration much simpler. If you have installed 'snmpstat' monitoring system, use apache running in this system - it already has all necessary settings and authentications.

In any case, apache server should be run as a special user with existing home directory and existing shell, to allow different configuration scripts to work. You can experiment with standard apache installation, which runs as 'nobody', or run apache in a jail, but be sure that you will be able to configure 'rsync' and 'ssh' for remote access to the named@name_servers without the password.

2.2 Create work directories

Now create working directories for configured host files (HOSTS) and log files (LOGS) (you can use symlinks if you wish to use different disks for the ProBIND and it's working files). Make this directory writable for your apache server and scripts. For example, if you run 'httpd' as a user 'httpd', you should run:


mkdir HOSTS
mkdir LOGS
chown httpd HOSTS LOGS

http server must support Indexing in these directories. If you are not sure how to do it, create .htaccess file in HOME directory:


cat > HOSTS/.htaccess
Options Indexes
FancyIndexing on
cat > LOGS/.htaccess
Options Indexes
FancyIndexing on

2.3 MySQL configuration


Now you must create a MySQL database instance. The name of the database instance is not important, so pick something descriptive, e.g. 'intdns' or 'extdns'. You should also create a MySQL user for ProBIND.

mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
mysql>create database intdns;


NB: There is no need to run the MySQL database and the Apache server
on the same host.

It is recommended to use Windows GUI for MySQL, instead of command line 'mysql' program.

If you want to maintain a few name spaces, create different databases for all name spaces.

2.4 Edit inc/


The inc/ file is a mini PHP script, which enables ProBIND to
find its way around your installation. An example of is
provided in the tarball. It contains few settings, which you must edit
to reflect your installation:



$TOP = "/var/PROBIND/intdns";
$MYSQL_HOST = "localhost";
$MYSQL_DB = "named";
$MYSQL_USER = "probind";
$MYSQL_PASSWD = "*******"; // Set up password here

$DEFAULT_PUSH = "push.remote";
$DEFAULT_DIR  = "/var/named9";
$DEFAULT_TMPL = "v9-master";

// Directories - templates, HOSTS and LOGS
$TEMPL_DIR = "$TOP/templates";

// Access to the HOSTS and LOGS directories from the web, relative to the current directory
$LOG_URL  = "LOGS/";


Edit variables:

2.5 Database initialization

Then load the etc/mktables.sql file into the MySQL database you just create

mysql -u probind -p intdns < etc/mktables.sql
Enter password:



This concludes basic installation, you should now be able to open the web interface in a browser. The database is still empty though. In the next phase, you create the settings for further operations.


2.6 Check (and edit if necessary) program names in scripts


grep perl */*

grep bash */*

and verify if your system has perl and bash on the proper place; edit scripts or set up symlink if necessary.


2.6 Configure .htaccess and tools/.htaccess files.


By default, accesses require group 'dns' and ProBIND configuration (including cleaning locks) require dnsadm group; change .htaccess and toosl/.htaccess if you need other access rules.

ProBIND uses apache authentication by default. Check .htaccess files in the ProBIND directory and tools subdirectory, and edit them if you need another access poli4cy. I recommend turning authentication off on the installation stage, and then turning it back and restoring authentication after you have all components up and running.


3 Configure the ProBIND software

Open the ProBIND web interface. If you installed ProBIND directly in the Apache document root, open your browser on this URL: http://yourhost/probind (or https://yourhost/probind/intdns, if you use https and few name spaces).

You must see a ProBIND menu (read manual) . , with a message

The database is not in an operational state. The following problems exist:

On this step, few errors are possible:

If you can see ProBIND screen, and it is just saying that data base is not in the operational mode, go to the next step and configure ProBIND settings. This step it is safe - you will not break any DNS server until you configure 'rsync' and create working directories on the servers, so you can start with real information. Do not use existing directory names - it is much easier to create a new named directory and then, after all zones are imported and rsync is configured, just to symlink /etc/named.conf to the new place.

3.1 Settings

Click the 'Misc. tools' link in the top frame. Then select 'Settings' in the sub-menu that appears. Fill out the fields according to your needs and click the 'Update settings' button. See manual - settings for additional details of the setting.

3.2 Describing your BIND servers

Now you must tell the database about your BIND servers. Click 'Servers' on the submenu. Add a description for each server you wish to manage through the ProBIND interface. For each server, you must specify its hostname, an IP number and some supplemental information that ProBIND needs: If the server is used as a master or slave server, whether it should receive updates from ProBIND, and whether the server should appear in NS records for the domains managed by ProBIND. The latter two settings makes it possible to use ProBIND e.g. while you are
migrating a BIND server from one host to another, or deals with a dual-interface server that must receive updates through one interface, but speaks with the outside world on another.

Three fields in the server description are used when delivering an update to the server.

You can not set up server options on this step; to configure them, open server after you created it and edits options, then click 'Update' button.


See manual - serves for more details.

3.2 Preparing remote name servers, and 'rsync' setting

If (most likely) you use push.remote script, you need to configure ssh to work without password for the proper 'rsync' work. By default, push.remote use 'ssh' (or ssh2, if exists) to the user 'named' on the host by its IP address. Such steps are recommended:


1.      On the remote name server - Create user 'named' for the named control functions on the name server; .

2.      On the remote name server - Create a directory for the 'named' configuration (I recommend /var/named9) and make a link

 ln -s /var/named9/named.conf /etc/named.conf

4. If you are doing it on the running name server, postpone this step until you have rsync running, and all zones imported and configured.

5.      On the remote name server Sun solaris - check that init.d scripts run your (right) named server instead of (if it exists) old ugly 'in.named' server. Other system - set up proper script.

6.      On the remote name server - create '~named/.ssh' (or ~named/.ssh2) directory (where ~named - home directory of the user 'named' and root directory for the named server), and configure ssh access from ( httpd user @ ProBind server) to ( named @ remote server)  without the password. I recommend to use 'public key' authentication, create proper .ssh directory and then copy it into all remote '/var/named9' directories so that, to set up new name server, you should only create a use and copy this directory.

1.      If your ProBIND system use 'openssh':

1) generate .ssh/id_dsa, and

2) copy into .ssh directory on the host running 'named' if it use 'openssh';

3) copy into .ssh2 directory on the host running 'named' if it use commercial 'ssh', and edit 'authorization' file in .ssh2 directory.

2.       Consult manual in all other cases;

7.      login locally as httpd user (user running php scripts for ProBIND), chdir to probind directory, probind, and try to run 'ssh -l named HOST rsync' where HOST is ip address of the  host running 'named'; confirm all prompts if necessary. In the result, this command should not ask any passwords or confirmations.

8.      You can configure 'host' based login method, which are a little more complicated, consult manuals.

9.      If you need to change a script, copy sbin/push.rsync to the new script (in sbin directory) and edit it. Do not proceed with ProBIND until you can run test 'ssh' command without the password. You can set uncomment test 'ssh' command in the push.remote script, if necessary, and start with it, but I do not recommend to do it until you can run 'ssh -l named HOST  who' (or 'ssh ... rsync') manually.


REMEMBER - to run a script, ProBIND (which works with the user id of your http server) need
to run 'rsync', and 'rsync' in turn needs to run 'ssh' without the password. So, configure 'ssh'
first and check everything manually.


4 Start using ProBIND

At this point you should click 'Browse domains' and flesh out the TEMPLATE pseudo-domain. If you have some data, which should apply to all your domains, add it now. This might include TXT or MX records which all your domains should contain.


NB: DO NOT ADD ANY NS RECORDS TO YOUR TEMPLATE! NS records for your servers are automatically generated by ProBIND. You control how the NS records are generated when you describe your BIND servers.


You are now ready to populate the database. You can do this manually, or you can use the etc/import script to load an existing BIND configuration with zone files into the database.

NB. Remember - you do not make any real changes until you click 'Update' button, and after it, you do not apply changes to the real name server until you run 'Reconfigure' step of update and have remote 'rndc' configured properly.

4.1 Using the import script

You probably already have a BIND installation that you want to streamline the management of. Otherwise you would not be looking at this program. The good news is that there is a small PHP script included with ProBIND, etc/import, which automates the task of converting BIND named.conf and zone files to ProBIND database entries.

If you do have a fancy named configuration and want to move it into ProBIND, you can create a new template directory, specific for your name server, copy all configuration files into it, then import zones into the system and create a named.tmpl file from named.conf file by replacing all imported zone information to the macro $ZONE_DEFINITIONS. If you have as simple configuration, it can be easy to use standard 'named9' template and use configurable options to set up specific features of the name server. You can make a few experiments, but I recommend to use a standard configuration - in most cases, fancy named.conf file means bad design and bad reliability of your system. Do not forget to copy '' script into the new template directory.


To import your BIND configuration, copy named.conf and your entire zone files into a separate on your ProBIND host.

Then execute this command:

# $PROBIND is your ProBIND directory. It is important because import search for the
# configuration here .
# $IMPORT_DIR is a directory where you copy named configuration files and zones.
# It must be _FULL NAME_, not a relative name.
# You can use exact name or set up a variable
etc/import -v [-a] [-d] $IMPORT_DIR/named.conf | tee import.log


Options:   -a means _write out old zone content as an annotation; -d means _replace zone definition if it exists in the data base_.

Note the $IMPOPT_DIR prefix on the filename. Due to a peculiarity of PHP as a stand-alone interpreter, it is necessary to specify the full path to the source file.

Review the import log and the database carefully. You do not want to update your BIND servers, until your are confident that the database accurately represents your DNS data. If you have a lot of comments in your zone files, run import with the -a flag too (i.e. import -av $IMPORT_DIR/named.conf). That way the unaltered text of a zone file is put into the ProBIND database as a comment text for the zone.

See manual - import for additional details.


4.2 Update the BIND servers

When you are satisfied with the contents, click the 'Update' link to generate the zone files and distribute them to the servers. You can inspect the zone files generated in the tmp/master directory in the ProBIND installation. If you set up 2 step update, you can inspect log files after a first 2 steps of update (generate files and rsync them) and then run 3-th step (reconfigure). You can manually disable every step, or remove some servers from the update.

From the very beginning, you can need to push files into the server before running starting named server. I recommend such sequence in installation new server:

  1. Set up named daemon and 'named' user on the remote system, create named directory (/var/named9) writable for 'named', and copy '.ssh' (or .ssh2)  directory into it. Verify remote access (ssh named@IP_ADDRESS who) from the user running ProBIND (script in apache);
  2. Configure server in ProBIND, and run 'update' (all  3 steps). Update must succeed on the first stage (update and push) but fail on the third stage (reconfigure) because you have not running named yet (or you are running another named).
  3. Now, verify content of '/var/named9' directory on the remote server, create (if necessary) symbolic link (rm /etc/named.conf; ln -s /var/named9/named.conf /etc/named.conf), and start named daemon on this system. Be sure that named daemon started successfully;
  4. Now, uncheck 'ignore' checkbox (which was checked automatically because system get an update error) on the 'update' screen and repeat update. It must succeed.
  5. Now, try 'TEST' button and verify zones created on the remote server making requests (SOA request is enough).

If you want to see what ProBIND would do to your servers, without actually letting it touch them, specify the "nop" update script in the BIND server descriptions. This will let ProBIND generate all the files it thinks are needed on your BIND server, but not actually copy them. You can examine the generated files in the tmp/master and tmp/slave directories.

See manual - push for additional information.


5 Troubleshooting

ProBIND is a complex distributed system, and there are a lot of possibilities to make something wrong during installation. Fortunately, after you installed it first time and set up remote access, it is very easy to add new name servers, set up additional name spaces, change named versions and manage DNS information.  Below I describe most common problems and their solutions:

5.1 Web server and php configuration

5.2 Pushing updates failed on the first (update) step, even when you use 'nop' script.

Using 'nop' script is a next step to debug a system - if updates does not work, change scripts to 'nop' and be sure that  you can run 'update' to the very end.

5.3 Problems with 'PUSH' and 'RECONFIG' steps of the update

The "push.rsync" script depends on ssh to copy files from your probind server to one or more BIND servers. This means that your web server userid must somehow be allowed to copy files to the name server userid on the BIND server, without password prompts.

An example to illustrate this: ProBIND is installed under an Apache server running under userid nobody on host BIND is running under userid root on host The problem is that a very untrusted user ( needs to upload data to, and reload the name server. Additionally, SSH insists on having a home directory so it can keep a database of keys in ~/.ssh.

There are several ways around this. I recommend::

1a) Make apache on foo run under a more privileged user id (e.g. httpd, for example), or

1b) Make $TOP/sbin/push setuid to a more privileged user id, or

1c) Give the nobody user a home directory with write access

(The least bad idea of these is probably 1a, but this depends a lot on circumstances.). By default, ProBIND is installed with named user on remote name servers (named should never be run as a root, from security point of view, so it is highly recommended), and use 'ssh' access without the password from the current apache user to the remote 'named' users (which means that user used for apache should have a home directory).

2) Make this more privileged trusted by root on bar. This is as easy as appending the /root/.ssh/ file from foo to /root/.ssh/known_hosts on bar. (or to known_hosts2).

3) Verify that you can ssh from httpd@foo to named@bar by ip address of 'bar' without being prompted for a password.


if you can run first and second steps of update, but can not 'reconfig' the server, check logs (clicking on the 'logs' on the update window) and verify:

5.4 Problems with different TOOLS or with TEST buttons of the UPDATE screen



5.5 Table 'SQL9a3a_0' is full

Your database has run out of temporary storage for executing a large query. This can happen in several places, but especially on the 'Tools' page. To solve4 this, either upgrade to Mysql 3.23, or set the big-tables option in /etc/my.cnf:


APPENDIX I. References:

  1. Internal liinks:
    1. ProBIND2 Design and implementation.
    2. ProBIND2 manual.
  2. External links:
    1.  PHP scripting language;
    2. Apache web server;
    3. ISC Bind Name Server
    4. Perl Scripting language
    5. Perl Net::DNS module
    6. MySQL Data Base

If you use FreeBSD, I recommend do not install components manually, but use ports (/usr/ports, see 